יום שלישי, 10 ביוני 2014

21 נקודות לתהילה

Pבהשראה מספלוש אני אכתוב את 21 הנקודות לתהילה שלי- 21 דברים שאני צריך לעשות בכל יום כדי להשתפר ולחיות.
אולי ייצא פחות נראה מה יהיה.

1. פי אי - PE
2. כושר קרבי
3. בלי גרבוצים
4. היגיינה- צחצוח,מקלחת,גילוח וניקוי תחת
5. בגדים איכותיים
6. שפה עליונה
7.בלי ממתקים/ג׳אנק פוד
9. ללמוד ספרדית
10. ללמוד למבחנים/לסיים פרויקטים
11. בלי בזבוז זמן-אינטרנט/פלאפון/טלוויזיה
12. מקלחת קרה
13.לעשות הליכה
14.לעשות מדיטציה
15.סטים של 25 מתח
16. לתת ח"ח
17.לקום בבוקר ולצאת ישר מהמיטה.  18.לקרוא את הרשימה הזאת

אממממ 17 נראה לי מספיק. אפילו קצת מוכזם מדי אבל סבבה סהכ אני רוצה וצריך לעשות פה הכול.

ממחר. הכול משתנה.בלי חרטות בלי מוטיבציה. 3% עד המוות.


יום ראשון, 11 במאי 2014

Day 1- Far Far Away...

First Day of training did Block A-2 of Chaos & Pain which consist of:

Squat - 10×3 : first 6 sets did with 40kg , last 4 with 35 because I couldn't go up with the 40 anymore . My form sucked ass as I was leaning on my toes like a bitch and 2 guys even mentioned it for me. So I need to work on that. Besides that it was pretty exhausting and I felt like my legs were on fire.

Weighted Dips- 10x3 : again at the first 6 managed to do 3 and then I did doubles on the last sets because I couldn't rise.
Did it with 10 kilos between my legs and good form actually focusing more on the shoulders and chest then triceps.

Farmer's Walk- 4 sets : decided to give it a try because everyone is really hot on this and now I understand why- It's fucking awesome. I felt my all upper body under tension and my forarms were suffering as hell. I think I'll do a lot from now on. Really dig it.

And that's it basically. Good workout and after wards I ate 400 grams of meet and one egg and some vegetables. Also drank ½ litter of beer(some German shit that had the most sweet beer I ever tasted- it fuxking sucked) , and a lot of water.
Tomorrow I'll workout after the test and I'll choose the block depending on how I would feel.



יום שבת, 10 במאי 2014

Cannibal Charm - 70 Days Journey to Battle

My first post so probably nobody is going to read this shit because it's mainly a training log with some thoughts and grants about me and the people of the earth.
My Mission: To get as strong as possible in 70 days for my army draft in 21/07 .I'll probably be in the sands eating shit from goat fuckers in a few months so I better be prepared if any sand-nigga try attack me from behind.
My Workout: I will be following Jamie Lewis routine and will be training 4-6 days a week, depending on my resting abilities, and will do a different Block of exercises each day while not giving a fuck about the wankers from the gym.
My Nutrition: meat, vegetables, fruits,fats and healthy carbs (rice mainly).
No Supplements cause I'm poor so boo ooh for me.

I will post pictures of my progression when I feel like it and when I'll get sexy.
Starting tomorrow I'm going balls to the wall and let's see what happens.

Your Starting Man
